Backpacking Clothes: 7 Multifunctional Things to Include on Your Packing List

Backpacking Clothes

For many first-time backpackers, packing is a hassle. What to take if you’re going to visit lots of different places? Which backpacking clothes will be the best, considering you might be forced to handle various weather conditions?

Backpacking clothes

Well, it doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds. Unless you’re going to a real expedition, you don’t need professional gear. What you need the most are simple backpacking clothes that can be used in a variety of situations. Don’t make your backpack unbearably heavy by stuffing it with too many heavies, useless things. Even if it rains all the time, taking more than one pair of heavy boots won’t be necessary. Are you going to a very sunny place? It doesn’t mean you need a whole collection of tops and t-shirts, a few will be enough. Don’t go destroying your back just because you’re cautious – instead, take care of it and pack only the most practical, useful items. Here’s a list of universal, wonderfully simple things all travelers should write down in their backpacking packing lists.

  1. White shirt

Sounds a little fancy? Well, for most people a stereotypical backpacker looks as follows: long beard and long, messy hair, wasted trousers and shoes that have experienced being soaked in mud, dust and god only knows what else. There is something to it; I won’t deny it. Nevertheless, even for backpackers, it’s nice to look proper once in a while. Who knows where are you going to get invited? If you meet a gorgeous girl, and she asks you to go for a dinner with her, you will want to have a piece of suitable clothing in your backpack. Or let’s say you’re hitch-hiking, and a family who picks you up invites you to a birthday party and its taking place in a pretty

Nevertheless, even for backpackers, it’s nice to look proper once in a while. Who knows where are you going to get invited? If you meet a gorgeous girl, and she asks you to go for a dinner with her, you will want to have a piece of suitable clothing in your backpack. Or let’s say you’re hitch-hiking, and a family who picks you up invites you to a birthday party and its taking place in a lovely restaurant. Wouldn’t it be nice to have something at least slightly elegant? Besides, a white shirt is so classical and multifunctional; you can wear it in nearly all circumstances. Whether you’re a guy or a girl, don’t forget to pack backpacking clothes.

  1. Pair of jeans

Jeans don’t need much in the means of advertising; everyone knows their advantages. If made of a good-quality material, they can bear all sorts of unfriendly conditions. They don’t get dirty fast (or, hmm, at least it’s not so visible when they do), they don’t get wet the same second it starts raining, they don’t get torn easily. Besides, they look fantastic and can be worn with anything. If you combine them with this white shirt I mentioned above; you’ll have a classy outfit. A pair of jeans plus a T-shirt will make you look casual. Seriously, with their ability to adjust to the environment, they’re like chameleons in the world of clothing.

  1. Sarong

Dress, a scarf, a skirt, a towel – sarong can turn into all of those and more. It’s especially useful in a warm climate, but even if the weather’s terrible, it can still play some roles. Moreover, most sarongs aren’t thick, so when nicely folded, they don’t take much space. They’re not designed for men, but guys can get a light scarf instead. Even if you don’t like the hipsterish, cool kind, try to find something classical. It’ll come in handy when the weather gets windy, or you lose your towel.

  1. Rain jacket

Unless you’re going to travel around Norway or Ireland for a couple of months, don’t spend money on a professional, madly expensive, 100% waterproof jacket. They’re great, but you can survive without them on a regular trip. You can just get a simple rain jacket. Sure, it should have a good quality if you want to stay dry, just don’t spend a fortune on it. When choosing one, pay attention not only to its looks, but also its weight and thickness. If you’re going to a cold place, you’re better off getting something warmer, but for a hot climate you only need something to keep you safe in case of rain, so get a light one.

  1. Warm sweater

Going to a sunny island and thinking “Nah, I won’t need one”? Many of those paradise-like sunny islands have chilly evenings, keep that in mind! It’s always good to have at least one sweater in your bag. If you get a bit sick, end up sleeping outside or decide to take a long walk in the forest when it’s already late and dark, you’ll thank yourself for packing a fluffy sweater. Besides, it can serve you as a pillow while you’re sleeping in a tent.

  1. Simple t-shirts

The most obvious, traditional and irreplaceable kind of backpacking clothes – t-shirts. One could assume nobody out there forgets to pack them, yet still, I know it happens. Note that I mentioned “simple” before “t-shirts.” We’ve heard complaints of some travelers who packed only brightly colored and slightly weird t-shirts that just looked beautiful when combined with very particular skirts or trousers. No matter how much you care about fashion and looking original – a casual t-shirt can’t be missing in your backpack.

  1. Comfy shoes

Last but not least – comfortable shoes are a must. They’re more important than anything else mentioned on this backpacking list. Honestly, it might sound I’m exaggerating, but not having them can destroy your trip or at least a part of it. Okay, if not destroy, then surely make it less pleasant. It’s not so much fun to walk for hours while your feet are hurting. Believe me; I know something about it. The smartest thing to do is packing shoes you “trust.” Taking a brand new pair for a long journey is not the best idea. In case you don’t have anything suitable, go shopping early enough, so that you can build a loving relationship with your new shoes before you go on a trip together.

Would you add anything to this list of backpacking clothes? Let us know! And don’t forget to share this article with your friends, especially if they’re getting ready for their first journey!


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