For many people, travelling is a way to escape from their everyday routines. They want to relax and stop caring about anything. It can be, but sometimes they relax too much and regret later on. Life doesn’t pause just because we leave home, it goes on. Our minds and bodies are still the same minds and bodies and we need to take care of them, no matter where we are. That’s why, even on holidays, you should pay attention to your nutrition and activity. Not only it’ll save you from feeling guilty once you get back, but make your trip more enjoyable. After all, sightseeing isn’t much fun when one’s too full of food to move. Lying on the beach for two weeks straight isn’t that pleasant either, because sooner or later you’ll just feel stiff and weak. Luckily, staying fit while travelling isn’t that hard. Here’s a list of 9 practical tips on how to stay in shape on the road.

  1. Don’t excuse yourself

First of all, don’t tell yourself you don’t have to do anything, because travelling is supposed to be a break from your daily responsibilities. Sure, if you’re going for a weekend break, there won’t be any serious consequences, but two weeks or two months of “loosing up” can have quite an impact on your shape. It doesn’t mean you should spend all your time creating a special workout schedule, stressing over a missed training and counting calories. Just don’t give up entirely. Whether you travel or not, you do have the same body and this body requires some care. Besides, as you must have already realized, being active and maintaining a healthy diet makes people more energetic. During your travels you’ll need this energy just as you need it at home. It’ll help you to enjoy your holidays fully, be relaxed and simply feel well.

  1. A short workout is better than none

It’s fine if you can’t spend two hours on the gym. You can adjust your workout routine to the circumstances, it’s better than nothing at all. Run down and up the stairs. Stretch a bit in the morning. Do some push-ups. Run to the store. Even if you do half of your normal workout, it’s still something. Don’t make your expectations too high, because you might get disappointed, lose motivation, end up saying “well, it’s impossible to keep it up the usual way” and do nothing. Be realistic.

  1. Walk a lot

Instead of taking trams from one museum to another, try to walk as much as possible. It’ll not only affect your body in a positive way, but make your journey much more interesting. You’ll explore little streets and hidden paths. They might turn out to be even more fascinating than the actual destinations of your walks.

  1. Get up early

Even if you normally work out late, it might be smarter to do it in the morning while you travel. You’ll most likely want to spend afternoons and evenings going out, socializing and discovering new places. You might plan an evening workout, but what if you meet someone interesting on a lunch and they’ll invite you for a drink? Or a hotel staff member will tell you there’s an amazing concert in a nearby pub? Most of events and activities take place in the evenings, so you’d be better off keeping them free of workouts. It might sound dreadful to wake up at 6 am on holidays, but hey, you don’t have to make it extreme! If you don’t have much time, go back to the point two: keep it short and simple, it’s still better than nothing.

  1. Taste, but don’t overeat

It’s hard to resist a variety of new, exotic dishes… Nevertheless, you don’t have to eat them all. It’s anyway impossible to discover a country’s whole cuisine during one trip, so don’t even aim that high. Have a taste of several traditional foods and choose those that aren’t unhealthy. Order small portions, so you could try more things without eating large amounts. Avoid fast-foods! You may be in hurry sometimes and feel tempted to just get a burger or fries, but remember you can get something healthy equally fast and for the same price. If nothing else comes out, just go to a grocery store and buy some fruit or a healthy snack and have a proper dinner later on. It’s much better than stuffing yourself with junk food.

  1. Join the locals

You can make your workout more fun and adventurous by joining locals in their activities. Instead of exercising in your room, go outside! Ask the staff at your hotel or hostel where locals usually jog. Runners in most larger cities have their favorite spots. You can also look for gyms (if the weather is nice, check if there are some outdoor gyms in the town you’re visiting) and lift weights alongside locals. There are plentiful options! It can be a great experience and, who knows, perhaps you’ll even make some new friends.

  1. Remember to pack comfy outfit

“Oh no, I forgot my sneakers, now I simply CAN’T do anything!” – sounds like an excellent excuse, doesn’t it? So remember to take those sneakers. Pack your workout shoes and some comfortable clothes. If you don’t, you either won’t exercise or you’ll have to buy new equipment, which would most likely be a waste of money. Well, there’s a third option too: you can always try jogging in high-heels or stretching in jeans, but it can be quite dangerous.

  1. Try something new

Your traveler’s workout can turn into a real adventure if you decide to try something entirely new. Even if you’re into other sports, why not to try surfing while you’re in a lovely coastal town? Or swimming? Or kayaking? Or hiking? Check out what are the options in the place you’re going to. You might actually find a new passion, but even if that doesn’t happen, at least you’ll experience something new and stay active.

  1. Party!

Sounds like a silly advice? It’s not. By partying we don’t mean sitting around the table and drinking one shot after another. We mean dancing, lots of dancing. It’s an amazing and joyful way to exercise. Dancing on the beach might not do to your muscles what a gym session with a tough, professional trainer would do, but it’ll surely help you to stretch and burn some calories. Besides, it can be so much fun, especially if you decide to learn some local dances. Just find a nice club, or a bar, or a street (why not?) and enjoy!

What do you do to stay in shape while you travel? Let us know! And don’t forget to share this article with your friends!


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