Coming back home after a trip for some people is a pure pleasure, while for some it may mean the start of a desperate longing for the days that have passed by. However, the satisfaction of the journey is not measured due to these two behaviors. It rather means that some people, usually the ones that are feeling kind of wanderlust, have difficulties getting back to their daily routine knowing that they had a wonderful trip and hoping for that feeling to come back again. All this is normal, as journeys bring new experiences and incredible adventures, wonderful friendships and careless days spent enjoying your time of exploration. Here is how you can handle a post-travel depression?
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Here’s how you can soothe down your post-travel depression
Honestly, this can happen to anybody! It depends on the lifestyle of the traveler and the pleasure of the trip that the post-travel depression can be tiny or massive as an elephant. However, what you must have in mind is that there are ways how you can do something to stop feeling down after a vacation and continue with your daily life without always mourning for your fresh mind-blowing holiday. Curious how you can manage a post-travel depression? Check out the following solutions:
Get your mind busy
The first general tip is to get your mind away from always making throwbacks of the vacation in your head. Sure, the trip must have been amazing, and that is all you can think about right now, but constantly remembering the greatest moments of your journey make the moments of your everyday life boring and inferior. You can take your mind back to the incredible destinations when you want to retell your trip to your friends or write a postcard, but if you keep thinking about it for the whole day, then you will be miserable. Just concentrate on the new challenges, the new work agenda and if you have much free time – then start with some new activities and hobbies.
Stop going through your vacation photos
When people had a great time, especially visiting a new destination or trying out something for the first time, and they feel nostalgic, they eventually grab their phones and start looking through the photos of the trip. Now, going through some photos from the past can be amusing, but scrolling through the pictures of your vacation will not help you feel better about where you are right now. Sure you have a great collection of stunning landscapes, beautiful sites, happy faces and all that, but photos are meant to be a reminder of some pleasant memories, not a way to avoid adapting to your regular everyday life.
Write a diary or make a photo album of your trip
If you cannot help going through your magnificent pictures of the journey, then make something productive out of it. In this digital era, we do not need to make hard copy albums of our photos since we have them on our computers, phones, etc. However, have you felt that sentimental feeling once you have touched a real album with old photos? Those seem like they are going to last a lifetime, without having to worry if the computer breaks or the files catch a virus.
So, here’s an idea: why don’t you print a collection of your photos and put them in a beautiful album, so that whenever you feel like looking at them or showing them to your guests – you don’t have to make them stare at the computer, but show them the album over a nice cup of coffee. Making an album or a photo collage still requires for you to be surrounded by so many memories of the wonderful trip, but it is still better than just staring at the pictures, thinking of how you would go back there immediately.
Another great way to make a sweet enclosure of the journey is to write a diary about it while your memory is still fresh. It will not take your mind off the holiday, but it will help you express your emotions and share your experiences, which will probably help you move on faster than usual.
Make small trips to nearby places you have not been before
The worst part of coming back from a vacation is that you have to start working again and deal with everyday problems you have probably avoided while you were enjoying abroad. This is just some more oil into the fire, as it will be tough to start functioning normally again if you dislike what you are doing every day and how you are spending your time when you are not on a holiday. A small tip that might help you adapt to your daily routine life is to use the free time to make short trips to nearby places that you have not been before. Explore the surroundings without wasting much money. This will probably keep you going and will help you cure your post-travel depression.
Include elements of your trip in your daily life
Coming home after an awesome vacation does not mean that you have to say goodbye to all the fun things you have done during those precious days. However, if you are so sad even after you return home, then you can include several things you have done during your vacation into your daily life agenda. For example: if you have been traveling to Italy where you had the chance to enjoy some incredible food specialties, then you can download some recipes and cook the meals for yourself. Even a small bite of amazingly cooked pizza can take you back in Italy and make you feel like you have never left.
Plan your next trip
You still haven’t unpacked from the previous vacation, yet you are already impatiently thinking about your next destination? Well then get down to business and start planning your next trip. This will take your mind off and stop you from mourning over the journey that has already ended and yet will spice up your daily life by giving you something to look forward to, an adventure that waits.
Every journey is incredible, but that does not mean that the great memories of it should distract you from all the other beautiful things life brings. Nothing lasts forever, so hold on to the precious moments and fills your life with a whole bunch of road trips. Kick your post-travel depression with an even bigger adventure.