We all have those urges of wanting to show off our travels in a way that is impressive and unique, rather than merely an array of dull, cliché images. It is a form of proving our holiday and justifying what a brilliant time we had, and also, how creative and imaginative we are about presenting it. Blow your friends and family away, by following this inspiring set of ideas about how to creatively document your travels, and boast what brilliant memories you have made!

1- Pin-board map

What better way than to create a visual masterpiece of where you have traveled, and where you want to travel. This inexpensive way of documenting your adventures is unique and inspiring; all you need is a cork board, a world map, and color-coded pins. Begin by constructing a key that determines what each colored pin relates to; for instance, you could separate them into categories of places you have been, would love to visit, would hate to visit, and places that you would love to know more about! That way, whenever you gaze at it, you can feel inspired to travel more, and even more satisfied with where you have already visited! You could even go a step further, and add photos or souvenirs to your map; just be careful it doesn’t get too cluttered, as you may begin to feel unmotivated by it, which is not the desired emotion!

2- Blog post

This simple method of recording your travels is a great way for you to let loose, and explore all the nitty-gritty details of your holiday experiences, in a way that you dictate. You, yourself get to choose the tone, images, style of writing and all of the content that goes into it! Regardless of it you publish your blog post or not, it is a great way for you to be reminded of the raw experiences you gained on your travels, and for your friends to envy in as well! You can get creative in how you write your blog post, for example you could include a range of different images you have taken of that specific adventure, or add different links to make it a little more complex and intriguing for the sake of others.

3- Poem

How about putting your poetry cap on and converting your travel experiences into lusciously written rhymes. Focus on how the holiday or experience made you feel or how it affected you, because that way, you can truly unleash the poet that lies within you! Don’t be afraid to write about how you feel, and ensure that you don’t try too hard in making it sound good, because that way, it will seize to sound as authentic and thus less effective. Poetry ranges from a small haiku poem that is very blunt and little, or it can stretch to a full length piece of writing with rhythm and the occasional rhyme, or none at all! The thing with poetry is that there is no rules, thus, use it as a means to create a literary beauty that revolves around your independent travel experiences, to either show off, or keep to yourself!

4- Capture the same photo in different locations

This is a critically creative way to express your artistic side and compile a travel document. If you take the same photo of yourself, or have someone else take the photo, in the exact same pose in every location you visit, just with a different background, you’ll be amazed by the finished product. It seems such a simple way to document your experiences, and the effect it creates it’s really astonishing. You could also present this vast collection of images in creative ways, such as a scrapbook or even as a wall display.

5- Keep an ongoing journal

If prior to your travels, you know you want to document them, choosing to manage a daily journal is undoubtedly the most effective way to do so. The reason for this is that whenever you scribble down your notes in the moment, you have the most genuine information and recollection of the event. From here you are able to use the information in whichever way you want, whether it is a finalized written piece, or a more creative method of document, ending your travels – the joy of this is that it is entirely your choice!

6- Vlog

Making a Vlog of your travels is perhaps the most enjoyable to come back to, as you can relive the moments again visually. Even if you don’t film yourself, simply recording enjoyable moments of your holiday and the simplest aspects, are an absolute gem to rediscover months later, as our memory fades over time. Share your Vlog on social media for your friends and family to appreciate as well, possibly consider adding special effects and upbeat music to make it that extra but more funky! This way, you can express yourself and your travel experiences in a truly creative art form that is thoroughly enjoyable for all.

Whichever method of creatively documenting your travels you choose, you will undoubtedly impress your friends and family, and leave yourself with a precious and unique reminder of all the good times you experienced and adored. Why not have a crack at all of them? See what you find fits the most, and perhaps even spur it in your own unique direction!

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