Vast savannahs bursting with marvelously diversified wildlife, fascinating cultures of local peoples, lovely beaches on the coast, coral reefs underwater, bustling cities and quiet getaways, that’s only a few of the jewels you might find in Kenya. Tourist attractions are countless, and so are reasons to visit this colorful country. Here’s a list of the best Kenya’s tourist attractions. It’s just beginning, though. After you visit those, keep on discovering.

Maasai Mara National Reserve

Maasai Mara is not only one of Kenya’s, but also whole world’s most spectacular game reserves. Its name refers to the Maasai people, the area’s old inhabitants. The Maasai Mara National Reserve is full of diversified wildlife, living amongst the abundant vegetation and enjoying the weather that stays sweet and mild all year long. The annual migration of zebra, gazelle, and wildebeest, often called the Great Migration, is world-famous; hence numerous visitors come to the park to see how the animals travel to the Maasai Mara from the Serengeti in Tanzania. The large population of game accounts for a high number of lions, leopards, and cheetah, so the predator sightings are excellent as well.

Amboseli National Park

Scenically located at the foot of majestic Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli National Park shelters a variety of wildlife. Because of the extraordinary landscapes, it’s one of the most popular national parks in Kenya. Tourist attractions include game viewing, safari tours, and exotic lodges. An exceptional population of elephants dominates the park; it’s one of the best places to see these big yet adorable animals in their natural habitat. With the Africa’s highest peak in the background, they look even more marvelous. There’s also buffalo, lion, spotted hyena, zebra, wildebeest, and hundreds of bird species.

Lamu Island

A part of the Lamu Archipelago, the Lamu Island is a real gem and an excellent place to go. That’s especially if what you’re looking for in Kenya, is a romantic escape. One of the oldest Swahili settlements in Africa, Lamu has many fascinating historical sites. Because of the lack of roads, you can only use alleyways and footpaths. A car is a rare sight, unlike a donkey. Children play on the streets, cats walk around, full of grace, as usual, mosques call to prayers, and you feel as if the modern world, with all its rush, technology, the hustle, and bustle, was far, far away from you. That’s Lamu, one of the most charming places in Kenya. “Tourist attraction” doesn’t sound like a suitable phrase to describe this unique place; it’s more of an unknown land, a little world in itself.

Lake Nakuru National Park

One of Kenya’s most spectacular parks, Lake Nakuru is like heaven for bird-watchers. Pink color dominates the landscape because of the vast quantity of beautiful flamingos. These beautiful birds would be enough to make the Lake Nakuru National Park a place worth visiting, but there’s even more. The park shelters over 400 of bird species, including cormorant, pelican, African fish eagle, Goliath heron and hamerkop. This astonishing myriad of birds shares their home with various mammals, such as black and white rhinos, hippos, leopards, zebras, Rothschild’s giraffes, lions, and buffaloes. Both the wildlife and vegetation make the views of Lake Nakuru and its surroundings truly sensational. To make visiting it even more attractive, you can not only drive around but also camp (there are several campsites) or stay at the luxurious lodges and enjoy the park for a couple of days.


Malindi presents another side of Kenya – gorgeous beaches, palm trees casting shadows on white sand and blue sky dotted with occasional fluffy clouds. It’s a resort town, hard to deny its touristy character. Nevertheless, the unique charm is still there, and you can easily feel it while strolling about the lovely old town. The fact it’s mainly famous among Italian tourists brings one great benefit – delicious pizza. Even though Europeans are to be seen on the streets and beaches of Malindi quite frequently, it’s still Africa, Swahili architecture and local delights won’t let you forget it. Moreover, Malindi offers plenty of attractions for water sports enthusiasts. The Malindi and Watamu National Parks encompassing the coastal area are rich in marine life. Hence snorkeling is fabulous. You can also surf, fish and swim.

Kenya has some fantastic tourist attractions to offer. Have you been to Kenya or are you planning to do so, let us know which of Kenya’s tourist attractions you liked the most.


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